UP Kisan Karj Rahat List 2022- Check Karj Rahat Status Here

UP Kisan Karj Rahat List 2022 Check Kisan Karj Rahat Status ( State-Wise) available here. उत्तर प्रदेश किसान कर्ज राहत योजना लाभार्थी सूची | UP Kisan Karj Rahat Yojana List Online | किसान फसल ऋण मोचन योजना लाभार्थी सूची ऑनलाइन चेक | Kisan Karj Mafi List 

Chief Minister, Shri Yogi Adityanath has depicted the UP Kisan Karj Mafi scheme for the betterment of farmers and to make them economically stable. Hence, as per the Kisan Karj Mafi Yojana Scheme state government decide to farmer loan waivers up to one lakh rupees. Farmers who are willing to get their names in the UP Karj Mafi List need to first register themselves with the help of the below indicated simple and easy guidelines. After that government will release a list of UP Kisan Karj Mafi List 2022 (beneficiary) district-wise, village-wise.

Latest UP Kisan Karj Rahat List 2022  is Available here for the Farmer loan redemption scheme (किसान ऋण मोचन योजना), which has been launched by Chief Minister, Shri Yogi Adityanath. Here, check the full loan status or we have provided steps of how to check UP Kisan Loan Status.

For more details regarding UP Kisan Karj Rahat List 2022 How to Check UP Kisan Karj Mafi Loan Status, UP Karj Mafi List, how to make online complaints, etc prepared by the unit of sarkariexamresults.info

UP Kisan Karj Rahat List 2022 Short Details:

Scheme Name UP Kisan Karj Mafi / उत्तर प्रदेश किसान करज माफी 2022
Launched By Government of Uttar Pradesh
Benefits Crop Loan Waiving
Beneficiaries Farmers in Uttar Pradesh State
Official Website upkisankarjrahat.upsdc.gov.in

UP Kisan Karj Mafi Scheme District Wise

अंबेडकर नगर बहराइच
आगरा बुलन्दशहर
अलीगढ़ बागपत
आजमगढ़ बिजनौर
इलाहाबाद बाराबंकी
उन्नाव बांदा
इटावा मैनपुरी
एटा हाथरस
औरैया मऊ
कन्नौज मथुरा
कौशाम्बी महोबा
कुशीनगर महाराजगंज
कानपुर नगर मिर्जापुर
कानपुर देहात मुज़फ़्फ़र नगर
कासगंज मेरठ
गाजीपुर मुरादाबाद
गाजियाबाद रामपुर
गोरखपुर रायबरेली
गोंडा लखनऊ
गौतम बुद्ध नगर- नॉएडा ललितपुर
चित्रकूट लखीमपुर खीरी
जालौन वाराणसी
चन्दौली सुल्तानपुर
ज्योतिबा फुले नगर-अमरोहा शाहजहांपुर
झांसी बस्ती
जौनपुर सिद्धार्थ नगर
देवरिया संत कबीर नगर
पीलीभीत सीतापुर
प्रतापगढ़ संत रविदास नगर
फतेहपुर सोनभद्र
फ़र्रूख़ाबाद सहारनपुर
फिरोजाबाद हमीरपुर
फैजाबाद हरदोई
बलरामपुर अमेठी
बरेली संभल
बलिया शामली
बस्ती हापुड़

How to Check UP Kisan Karz Mafi Loan Status?

We are providing the simple steps that will help you to check the UP Kisan Karj Mafi List 2022 along with the Loan status.

  • Visit the official portal that is upkisankarjrahat.upsdc.gov.in
  • Now hit on the “Hit here to see the status of your debt redemption” or “UP Kisan Karj Mafi List ” link.
  • Fill in all the details asked on that page such as Bank Details such as District, Branch, Kisan Credit Card Number (KCC), and Mobile Number correctly.
  • Also, enter the Captcha to proceed to get UP Kisan Karj Mafi List.
  • Then hit on the “Submit and generate OTP Button” button to submit the details or press on “reset” if you want to rearrange the details.
  • Now you will get the OTP for your registered Phone Number.
  • At last, you can check your UP Kisan Karj Loan status on the screen after entering the OTP you received.

UP Kisan Karj Mafi Portal

  • State Government of Uttar Pradesh received an enormous number of Application Forms for UP Kisan Karj Mafi Yojana on the Official portal.
  • Hence, now the government is all set to grant the Rin Mochan Certificates for all the eligible farmers. Regarding this, UP State Government releases this UP Kisan Karj Mafi List 2022.
  • Farmers, who want to check the UP Kisan Karj Mafi List 2022, will have to visit the official portal at upkisankarjrahat.upsdc.gov.in.
  • Choose a suitable link regarding UP Kisan Karj Mafi List district and village-wise.
  • And the UP Government is conducting 3 Campaigns Phases.
  • This is to make this Certificate Distribution easy for all the Farmers who got selected for the Loan Waiving.
  • Also, the government already sent the UP Kisan Karj Mafi List to all the districts as well as Cooperative Banks.

How to make Online Complaint & Track Complaint Status?

  • To file a complaint or to track complaint status, go to visit the official website that is upkisankarjrahat.upsdc.gov.in
  • Now, press on “make Online Complaint & Track Complaint” of the “File a Complaint” link visible at the top of the home page in the menu bar.
  • After that follow “किसान ऋण मोचन योजना सम्बंधित शिकायत/सन्दर्भ (नागरिको हेतु)” “COMPLAINT / REFERRAL RELATED TO FARMER LOAN REDEMPTION SCHEME (FOR CITIZENS)” link and choose suitable link as given below
  • Now follow the below-stated instructions for a new complaint or can check the status of an old complaint.

Register New Complaint –

Press on “File a Kisan Karj Complaint” “Press to register a complaint.” link to register an online complaint.

Afterward, the complaint window will be opened on a new window.

Fill in the relevant details and hit on “Submit” button.

Check Complaint Status –

  • If you want to check Complaint Status then revisit to the previous page.
  • Hit on “शिकायत की स्थिति देखे” “View the status of the complaint” link.
  • Now enter your Complaint Number and Mobile Number already registered while making a complaint.
  • Finally hit on the “Submit” button to view the complaint status which will get displayed on your screen.

Toll-Free Number For Getting information Related to UP Kisan Karj Mafi:

1 0522-2235892
2 0522-2235875
3 0522-2235855
4 0522-2235846

Important Link:

Kisan Karz Mafi Loan Status Click Here
For File a Complaint Click here
Check Complaint Status Click Here
Official Link Click Here

Final Words:

For any query regarding details regarding UP Kisan Karj Mafi List given here you can comment in the below-given comment box.

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